Pedro de Botelho Marcos

Pedro Marcos

Assistant Professor @ FURG/Brazil
Head @ SYSTEMS Research/FURG

Contact information:
+55 53 3237 3083

230 - C3 Building @ FURG


Jul '24 - Happy to announce that we are now collaborating with Internet Society (ISOC) to evaluate the network benefits of connecting to IXPs!


I am an Assistant Professor at C3 - Center for Computational Science, at FURG - Federal University of Rio Grande. I got a Ph.D. in Computer Science at UFRGS (2019) working under the supervision of professors Marinho Barcellos and Marco Canini (KAUST). After completing my Ph.D., I was a Visiting Researcher at the Internet Architecture group from the Max Plack Institute for Informatics working under the supervision of professor Anja Feldamnn. I also hold a master degree in Computer Science by UFRGS (2013), under the supervision of professor Claudio Geyer, and a bachelor degree in Computer Engineering by FURG (2010).


My research interests lie at the crossroads of theory and practice of computer networks. I am mainly interested in measuring and analyzing aspects related to the Internet interconnection/peering ecosystem and inter-domain routing. My current research topics include inbound traffic engineering techniques; Internet routing security; remote peering; BGP communities and best routing operational practices. My research has been funded by University grants, LACNIC/FRIDA, Internet Society, FAPESP/MCTI/MCom/, Embrapii, and CNPq.









Fabricio Mazzola, Augusto Setti, Pedro Marcos and Marinho Barcellos
Analyzing Remote Peering Deployment and Its Implications for Internet Routing
In IEEE/ACM Transcations on Networking, 2024
PDF [Bibtex]

  title={Analyzing Remote Peering Deployment and Its Implications for Internet Routing},
  author={Mazzola, Fabricio and Setti, Augusto and Marcos, Pedro, and  Barcellos, Marinho},
  booktitle={IEEE/ACM Transcations on Networking},


Fabricio Mazzola, Pedro Marcos and Marinho Barcellos
Light, Camera, Actions: characterizing the usage of IXPs' action BGP communities
In 18th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies - ACM CoNEXT 2022, Rome, Italy. December 2022
PDF [Bibtex]

  title={Light, Camera, Actions: characterizing the usage of IXPs' action BGP communities},
  author={Mazzola, Fabricio and Marcos, Pedro, and  Barcellos, Marinho},
  booktitle={18th International
    Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies - ACM CoNEXT 2022},
Fabricio Mazzola, Pedro Marcos, Ignacio Castro, Matthew Luckie and Marinho Barcellos
On the Impacts of Remote Peering to Internet Traffic Delivery
In Passive and Active Measurement Conference 2022, Virtual. March 2022
PDF [Bibtex]

  title={On the Impacts of Remote Peering to Internet Traffic Delivery},
  author={Mazzola, Fabricio and Marcos, Pedro, and Castro, Ignacio and Luckie, Matthew and Barcellos, Marinho},
  booktitle={Passive and Active Measurement Conference},


Pedro Marcos, Lars Prehn, Lucas Leal, Alberto Dainotti, Anja Feldamnn and Marinho Barcellos
AS-Path Prepending: there is no rose without a thorn
In ACM Internet Measurement Conference 2020, Pittsburgh, USA. October 2020
PDF [Bibtex]

  title={AS-Path Prepending: there is no rose without a thorn},
  author={Marcos, Pedro and Prehn, Lars and Leal, Lucas, and Dainotti, Alberto and Feldmann, Anja and Barcellos, Marinho},
  booktitle={ACM Internet Measurement Conference},
Pedro Marcos, Marco Chiesa, Christoph Dietzel, Marco Canini and Marinho Barcellos
A Survey on the Current Internet Interconnection Practices
In ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, January 2020
PDF [Bibtex]

  title={A Survey on the Current Internet Interconnection Practices},
  author={Marcos, Pedro and Chiesa, Marco and Dietzel, Christoph, and Canini, Marco and Barcellos, Marinho},
  booktitle={ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review},


Pedro Marcos and Marinho Barcellos
Understanding how does AS-PATH Prepending can compromise Internet routing security
In PhD School of the Passive and Active Measurement Conference 2019, Puerto Varas, Chile. March 2019

  title={Understanding how does AS-PATH Prepending can compromise Internet routing security},
author={Marcos, Pedro and Barcellos, Marinho},
booktitle={PhD School of the Passive and Active Measurement Conference 2019},


Pedro Marcos, Marco Chiesa, Lucas Muller, Pradeeban Kathiravelu, Christoph Dietzel, Marco Canini and Marinho Barcellos
Dynam-IX: a Dynamic Interconnection eXchange
In the 14th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies - ACM CoNEXT 2018, Heraklion/Crete, Greece. December 2018
PDF [Bibtex]

  title={Dynam-IX: a Dynamic Interconnection eXchange},
  author={Marcos, Pedro and Chiesa, Marco and Muller, Lucas and 
  Kathiravelu, Pradeeban and Dietzel, Christoph and Canini, Marco and Barcellos, Marinho},
  booktitle={ACM CoNEXT'18},
Pedro Marcos, Marco Chiesa, Lucas Muller, Pradeeban Kathiravelu, Christoph Dietzel, Marco Canini and Marinho Barcellos
Dynam-IX: a Dynamic Interconnection eXchange
In ACM SIGCOMM Posters and Demos '18, Budapest, Hungary. August 2018
trophy3rd place on the Student Research Competition
PDF [Bibtex]

  title={Dynam-IX: a Dynamic Interconnection eXchange},
  author={Marcos, Pedro and Chiesa, Marco and Muller, Lucas and 
  Kathiravelu, Pradeeban and Dietzel, Christoph and Canini, Marco and Barcellos, Marinho},
  booktitle={SIGCOMM Posters and Demos '18},
Yousef Alowayed, Marco Canini, Pedro Marcos, Marco Chiesa and Marinho Barcellos
Picking a Partner: A Fair Blockchain Based Scoring Protocol for Autonomous Systems
In ACM, IRTF & ISOC Applied Networking Research Workshop 2018, Montreal, Canada. July 2018
PDF [Bibtex]

      title={Picking a Partner: A Fair Blockchain Based Scoring Protocol for Autonomous Systems},
      author={Alowayed, Yousef and Canini, Marco and Marcos, Pedro and Chiesa, Marco and Barcellos, Marinho},
      booktitle={ACM, IRTF & ISOC Applied Networking Research Workshop},
Pradeeban Kathiravelu, Marco Chiesa, Pedro Marcos, Marco Canini, and Luis Veiga
Moving Bits with a Fleet of Shared Virtual Routers
In IFIP Networking 2018, Zurich, Switzerland. May 2018
PDF [Bibtex]

title={Moving Bits with a Fleet of Shared Virtual Routers},
author={Kathiravelu, Pradeeban and Chiesa, Marco and Marcos, Pedro and Canini, Marco and Veiga, Luis},
booktitle={IFIP Networking},


Pedro Marcos, Alexandre Wermann, Marinho Barcellos, and Leandro Bertholdo
Dynam-IX: a Dynamic Agreement Marketplace on Internet eXchange Points
In Student Workshop of the ACM CoNEXT 2016, Irvine, California, USA. December 2016
title={Dynam-IX: a Dynamic Agreement Marketplace on Internet eXchange Points},
author={Marcos, Pedro and Wermann, Alexandre and Barcellos, Marinho and
Bertholdo, Leandro},
booktitle={Student Workshop of the ACM CoNEXT},
Lucas Muller, Pedro Marcos, Rodrigo Oliveira, Leandro Bertholdo, and Marinho Barcellos
Coverage Analysis at IXPs in Brazil
In Forum 10 of the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (, São Paulo, Brazil. December 2016
PDF [Bibtex]
title={Coverage Analysis at IXPs in Brazil},
author={Muller, Lucas and Marcos, Pedro and Oliveira, Rodrigo and  Bertholdo, Leandro and 
  Barcellos, Marinho},
booktitle={ Forum 10 of the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (, São Paulo, Brazil},



  • Internet Architecture (2022/2, 2023/2, 2024/2)
  • Computer Networks (2020/1, 2020/2, 2021/1, 2021/2, 2022/1, 2022/2, 2023/1, 2023/2, 2024/1, 2024/2)
  • Operating Systems (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)
  • Topics in Distributed Systems (2014/1, 2015/1, 2020/1)
  • Algorithms (2019/2)
  • Computer Organization (2019/2)
  • Distributed Systems (2013, 2014, 2015)
  • Computer Systems II (2013, 2014, 2015)
  • Data Structures and Algorithms II (2014)

Outstanding Teaching Award

  • Computer Engineering (2014, 2015, 2016)


Program Committee

  • ACM CoNEXT 2024 Student Research Workshop
  • ACM CoNEXT 2023 Student Research Workshop
  • ACM CoNEXT 2022 Student Research Workshop
  • ACM SIGCOMM 2022 Posters and Demos
  • ACM CoNEXT 2021 Student Research Workshop
  • PAM 2021


  • ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review (2019-)
  • ISCC 2019
  • ACM IMC 2017
  • SBRC 2017

Local Organizing Committee

  • ACM SIGCOMM 2016


  • ACM SIGCOMM 2021 Student Research Competition Juror